Opening hours, tickets, guided tours
Last update: 9 January 2025, 09:22
Opening hours
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am-1pm and 3pm-6pm;
- Saturday and Sunday: 10am-6pm
- closed on Monday
All sections: € 10,00
One section: € 3,00
Rete musei/Museum-net Piacenza
Two passes to discover the cultural and artistic beauty of the city of Piacenza:
Un anno di bellezza (A Year of Beauty)
A single pass for 10 museums. This pass allows unlimited access for one year, from the date on the card.
Price: € 50,00
Tre giorni al museo (Three days pass)
The card, named, allows access to each of the museums listed within 72 hours of the first use.
Price: € 35,00; reduces price € 20,00 (6-26 years old; over 65)
Guided tours
On saturday and sunday (at 10am, 11:30am, 3pm and 4:30pm) free guided tours included in the entrance ticket.
Guided tour to Civic Museum, Art Gallery and Carriages (at 10am and 3pm); guided tour to Archeological Museum (at 11:30am and 4:30pm)
For groups, the guided tour is with fee.
For reservation, call +39 0523 492658 or send an email to